Monday, November 10, 2008

- swings and streaks

I only really became a pro sng grinder starting in late August when I moved here to LA. In these few months, I've actually been relatively successful and consistent. Was grinding mainly 38s for the first month and then shifted up to the 60s in early October. I guess I was really fortunate for the first two months because, although there was plenty of variance, it never hit like it has at the 60s.

There's a real difference, I think, between the 60s and the 38s that I've seen. Sure, at any level of sit'n'go you have guys that know they should push/fold, but at the 38s, there seemed to be more players that knew less about it. At the 60s everyone and their mom knows they should push when the blinds have started to become bigger. The games are still profitable because so few players push/fold accurately - or even know how to figure out what is an 'accurate' push. Obviously, with all of these players pushing (instead of a few more of them folding at the lower limit), there's increased variance.

A couple guys at the 60s absolutely crush the game. I've only played 2k of them since September, but feel like I should've made a lot more than I have and I can't quite figure out why. Sometimes, I make glaring mistakes like calling someone waaaaay too light when they're not a regular (most of the time these guys are pushing legit hands, but I still talk myself into a poor call), but mostly I think my 3-handed play has suffered somehow. Suppose I'll just have to plug more hands into my broken sngwiz program.

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