Sunday, November 9, 2008

- introductory comments and general procrastination

Welcome. I'm not sure how many people I will inform about this blog since the majority of the material presented will be of little interest to most. However, I feel like I need an outlet for poker discussion on the internet (considering I no longer frequent pocketfives, 2+2, or pxf for various reasons). Maybe this will just turn into a daily/weekly account of my poker life and the general twists and turns of variance. Maybe I'll discuss my thoughts on certain situations within the games that I play and offer suggestions to myself (and anyone else who feels they could work). Most likely, though, it will end up being an accountablity tool to keep my poker goals on track.

Right now, I should be either purchasing plane tickets back home for Thanksgiving, taking care of my car insurance, going to the gym or practicing piano (in anticipation of my final requirement for graduation from Indiana). Instead, I decided to start a less than rewarding poker blog and will probably update again before I take care of any of the important things in my life.

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