Sunday, May 9, 2010

- Streaky streaks and table selection

Got my chat banned again. New site. New opponents. New game. Same old me. All of the comments for which I was banned (for only a month - I'll be back. Mark my words) were aimed at one player. It wasn't for bad beats; it wasn't for frustrating results; it was solely for the fact that he refuses to table select.

Table selection (something that to this point I rarely needed to do) is important for games where your edge is already low and regulars show up a fair amount. In these super turbos, due to the speed of the game and the high blinds, my edge is already reduced due to the brief game length. So, if I'm in push/fold end-game mode for the entire sit-n-go and no one at the table has much of a clue how to handle it, I make more money. This should be fairly obvious. When another decent reg is in the game and he knows how to avoid me (and vice-versa), we can still be profitable. However, once another reg (even if he's not all that good) gets in the game, the luck factor really kicks in because there's really no way to avoid wide shoves/calls that all work to increase the variance of the game. I could still be the best player in the game and have virtually no positive equity. No bueno.

So, this idiot reg refuses to make any attempt to avoid other regs and will jump into games where there are already two regs sitting. Thus, the only way to let him know that he's being stupid is to tell him so. Repeatedly. With objectionable language. Bannable objectionable language.

Am I proud of this? Am I happy that I fly off the handle at some of these regs? No, of course not. No one's excited to e-bash others. No one wins in those situations. It's like salting the snail. I'm getting all worked up just thinking about it.

1 comment:

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

I think you need to post the comments for which you got banned the first time (mostly because I forgot) and this time. Mainly, so I can text Nimbies and tell him. lol
