Wednesday, April 29, 2009

- April Results and Vacation

I promised to give an update on the previously noted "banner month" of April. Since poker is a high-variance game in general, the way the month started really couldn't continue for a whole 1500 games. I was averaging around 5.50/gm for the first 850 or so, then went on a stiff 1250 downswing for a few hundred games. The last couple hundred of the month turned around and got an average of about $3.75/gm for 1500. Really was hoping to average 4 or over, but there's always May. As I get closer to decent sample sizes (around 2k games) for the individual 18 and 45-man games, I'll include stats for them, too.

Since no one can control the way the cards fall, I decided to start rewarding myself for monthly game quotas rather than how much profit I earn. Figure 1500 games for months that I can't play more than 3 weeks is a solid goal. April's reward? New lappy. Hopefully it'll arrive in LA around the time I get back from the Midwest. Like April, May will probably just be a 1500 game month since I won't get back to LA before the 10th. If I reach the quota, I'm buying DDR for my Wii. Yard thinks that's stupid...and I think he's stupid. Boom. Roasted.

Welp, I'm fried after playing piano for 7 hours each day for the last two days. The piano exam is at 2 pm Friday...say a prayer for me. See you on the other side.

Monday, April 27, 2009

- Vacation. Sweet mother of crap, vacation.

I wanted to get 1500 games in April. 1500 games are done as of a few hours ago. Result? SPRING FREAKIN BREAK, bishes!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

- SCOOP results, other results, and fast-approaching trip plans

Hi people,

The SCOOP tourneys and p5s OT prop bet are done. We deeeeefinitetly didn't win that one. Disappointing that the one night my team got really deep was the only night I really should have been with my buddy that was fixing my car. All the other events were pretty standard tourney bust-outs. The one silver lining is that I've started to take an interest in some of the non-HE games around. While playing one of the PLO events I realized how much I suck at anything other than nlhe. Maybe I'll pick up a book.

Even though the internet sucked causing me to miss the entire first week of April's sngs, I'm having a pretty huge month. Yes, the lethal combo of decent variance and playing well help a lot, but I can't discount the "vacation time" I got from March 30th-April 8th. Sngs with a clear head are much easier (duuuuuh). We'll see how much the pseudo-vacations help over the next couple months (gone for a week in early May and a week in late June).

Like I said, it's been a banner month. I'll post the results at the end of the month when there's a sample size worth discussing, but for the time being, I'm just happy to have rent/food/airfare/etc. covered. Hopefully I can get enough socked away this next week to really soundproof the crap out of James and my rooms.

Angie, I know you read this - if Jake's got spare time over the weekend, I'll try to give him a call to talk for a few mins about some stuff I'm looking at (by the way, I hope the baby's not giving you too much trouble. Boll and I always love pickle-mango-pizza-tacos-ala mode, too - and we're not having kids yet).

Alright, I'm all hopped up on Mountain Dew! It's actually a workout supplement called NO-xplode (basically "healthy crack"). Once it kicks in I start to bounce of the walls a little bit...which means it's time to go to the gym.

Fatty time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

- internet suckins

Y'know, I really have got a lot to be thankful for. This is not meant to be a "haha, my life is sooo great" ('cause it's really not), but I really only have 3 things that consume my general life right now: music, poker, and my health. So when one of those 3 (poker) gets it's cheerios peed on (maybe that expression doesn't transfer well) life can get frustrating.

I finished the move into the new place and started buying all the random necessities that every new home requires: dishrack, cookware, gunrack (maybe the bloods and crips need a new member); the internet situation, however, sucked. AT&T couldn't turn my internet on until the 7th. Why? I went to Best Buy and got the modem I needed. I had all the necessary cables. Maybe they knew that I'd already socked some money into the SCOOP tourneys and just wanted to force me to use the random crapalicious wireless connections I could get through neighbors that weren't smart enough to password protect their routers. It's not like I'm some random kid that just needs the web for surfing/homestarrunner/ etc. Bah. Anyway, it's up now and I can resume playing.

The rest of this month had better be stellar. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes (and plane tix, piano, new computer...).