Sunday, July 19, 2009

- New Goal

After looking at my stats for awhile, I think it's easily attainable for me to reach 17k games played this year. There are about 5 and a half months left in 2009 and I really didn't play too much in Jan. and May. With about 9500 games already in the bag, I'm going to shoot for 20,000 total. I won't get much volume in August because of an awesome chance to go camping at Zion Nat'l Park in Utah for a few days with some buddies (who are then hanging out in LA with us for a few more), but Sept on should be good (sans a wedding in October).

I figure if I get 1k more in July that'll leave me with only 9500 or so for the last 5 months. Admittedly, 1900 games per month will be a definite stretch - especially when I hit the inevitable "run bad" streak - but I figure having a game oriented goal in mind will be better than a profit one. Now that I'm mixing in $60 18s/45s, I hope to average somewhere between $4-5/gm for the rest of the year (I'd love for it to be closer to 6, but let's be realistic and happy with the low end, fatty). Maybe we'll say goodbye to these student loans by Christmas after all. Maybe.

1 comment:

Ryan and Max's Mama said...

Have you had your chat privileges revoked recently? and why didn't you call when you were home?

Hope your loans are gone by Christmas...